General Resources

BGGA 2022-2023 Annual Report
This content is available for members only
On behalf of the Bowen Gumlu Growers Association board and staff I’m delighted to provide update for the 2022/23 Annual Report. This year has presented us with both challenges and successes, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your steadfast support throughout our ongoing journey……
BGGA Bowen Visitor Farm Map
Bowen offers a great location for travellers, backpackers and other visitors to work and play. This map shows farms and farm stalls located in the Bowen farming region. Please respect our biosecurity and sustainability by reading signage at the farm’s entrance and following the instructions on the sign.
BGGA Workforce Attraction Campaign – What are you waiting for?
BGGA together with Qld Agricultural Workforce Network have produced an attraction video to promote agricultural jobs in the Whitsundays.
Bowen Gumlu Growers Association Visa Overview
This content is available for members only
The purpose of this document is to show the different visas available to growers. There are three common visas that can be used to recruit workers
Corporate sponsor profile: Australian Retirement Trust
We’re one of Australia’s largest super funds with 2.3 million Australians trusting us to take care of their retirement savings.
DAF Chemical Recordkeeping
Keeping records is critical to any business and in agricultural farming it can provide a range of information in relation to productivity, economics, farm operations, marketing opportunities and environmental responsibilities.
DAF Disaster Impact Survey
The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the extent of the recent disaster event affecting your area. Participation is voluntary, and you can stop the survey anytime. If you have multiple properties to report, please complete one survey per property.
DAF Fact Sheet – Guava root-knot nematode
Guava root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne enterolobii) is a highly pathogenic and invasive nematode species. Despite its common name, it has a broad host range including many vegetable crops, ornamental plants and weeds. It has been identified as a high priority pest in the biosecurity plans for the ginger, papaya, potato, sweetpotato and vegetable industries.
Download and read: ‘Mental health and wellbeing on the land’ e-book.
Thankful4Farmers is committed to health and wellness of communities in regional and rural Australia which is why we were proud to provide the grant funding to the Royal Flying Doctors Service Queensland Section to develop and distribute the resource ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing on the Land’.
Farm Biosecurity Fact Sheet
“Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility”
Visitors and seasonal workers pose a real risk to on farm biosecurity. Transfer of
disease, pest and weeds are all transferred unintentionally when visitors and workers
enter the property.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance For Greater Careers agriculture video
The Greater Whitsunday region is embracing new thinking and change. Businesses, workforces and industries are dynamic and future focused.
The Greater Whitsunday region will require ongoing collaboration with industry, education and training providers to ensure we navigate the changing landscape successfully.
In this video we explore the careers in Agriculture, in particular the emerging industry of Aquaculture, onsite at Australian Prawn Farms.
Greater Whitsunday Grant Finder
Grant Finder is a joint initiative of the Mackay Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Councils, facilitated by Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3). Grant Finder helps businesses and community groups to search for government and non-government grant opportunities in one place.
Latest COVID-19 Information
For the latest health advice, COVID-19 vaccine information, testing information, travel and business and COVID 19 in Queensland, read the latest Queensland Government COVID-19 information here.
Read the latest Queensland Government COVID-19 information.

Locate mental health support services
It’s normal to feel sad or worried sometimes, especially when life gets tough. Sometimes, you might need some help to feel better again. If you’re struggling with your mental health, support is available. The services and organisations listed below are available to help. Browse the list to find a support provider that best meets your needs, or talk to your GP or health professional.
Mental Health Matters
It’s easy to get involved and show your support for your employees’ wellbeing. To help, we’ve created a free poster that you can download here. Simply add your company logo, print it, and display it in your smoko rooms.
Public Chemical Registration Information System
Search for chemical details including product name, registering company, active constituents and product category, or information on stopped, cancelled and expired registrations.
Soil Wealth resources and fact sheets
The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) project provides research and development (R&D) extension services, products and communication on improved soil management and plant health to the Australian vegetable industry.
Weed Management Fact Sheet
A series of fact sheets on priority weed species and their integrated management in vegetables.
Workforce branding webinars
BGGA engaged with Mark Puncher who provided two valuable branding webinars to assist industry with attracting and retaining workers.
Workplace Health Management Plan Template
Plan to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 into Queensland workplaces and communities.